Private Signs and Runes

When I was little, I experienced “not knowing” a lot. It was as though everyone else in the room had been around for some explanation that I had missed, and so what seemed sensible to them, was puzzling to me.

I still feel like that a lot of the time. My art is made to share that feeling with those who see it. Are there languages we don’t know how to read being written inside the bark of trees? Do the scratches in the sand have meaning? Are natural phenomena, the phases of the moon, the marks of waves, or the collapse of an old house messages I don’t know how to interpret. If you look at these images and think, “I have no idea what this means,” then you are having precisely the experience I hoped for you. The truth is that we see a tiny portion of the fascinating world around us. Our storytelling brains fill in the gaps, and make a whole.